Monday 3 October 2011

First album cover with artist statement

For this assignment I decided to do an album cover for myself. I’ve recorded my songs and I am coming out with a demo CD so I thought that this would be the perfect thing to do for the assignment. I immediately had an idea in my head about myself throwing letters into the air with the album name surrounded by these letters. I didn’t expect that it would be that hard to have a picture taken of myself pretending to throw letters. I probably took about 30 pictures before I found one that I could use.
The idea that I finally decided to stick with was a little different from my original idea. I had put all the letters in the background of the album name but when I showed various people they found it hard to focus on just the album name without getting lost in the letters. Eventually I made the decision to take the letters out. I then altered the lettering to make it look like it was the album title “Love is in the Air” that was being thrown into the sky.
I had a hard time deciding what to do with the background image. I fiddled around with it for a while and finally decided that I would blur it then add a drawn affect on top of it so it was more of a silhouette of a girl throwing these letters into the sky. I did this because it made the lettering stand out much more. Originally I wanted the picture to be taken inside but I found that it was much harder to find the right angle without having too many things in the background.
When working through this assignment I found that I was second guessing myself a lot. I finished three album covers and it was harder for me to choose which one to hand in then the editing was. The three that I made appealed to three different audiences, but in the end I chose the one that I believed represented the audience that would listen to my music.

1 comment:

  1. I did a similar design for a CD by Dennis young:
